My first clue would have been that I slept until 7:00, that's about 5 extra hours. My second clue was that I had dreamed that I touch a TV electronic board from another planet, and that it made me sick.
So, I got up, had little energy and Linda took Peggy to the doctors. I had to go to the bathroom and felt woozy when leaving, so I leaned against the door frame, the next thing I knew I woke up on the bathroom floor, I'd been asleep about 20 minutes.
I was able to get an appointment for the afternoon. My blood pressure was only 84/52 - that's low for me and just about anyone else. I also think the pneumonia has returned but the biggest concern was the blood pressure. I have three meds to take for the next five days.
I may try to resume the blog very soon.
The geezer
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Doggie friends, woof yip pant
A Hunter in Mesa City Colorado wave his dog back - click to enlarge AP photo |
Man: Go get rope boy
Dog: What the hell is that?
Man: Rope, you know that twisty stuff like big string.
Dog: Dude, you aint even making sense.
Man: Hurry up, get going.
Dog: To heck with you, I'm going to take a break.
Reality: The man was rescued by the fire deptment minutes later, or maybe the person taking phtos.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
This one? No? How about that?
Waiting to be picked Artist: Joyce Dubay |
Enlarge the photos and you will find some wonderful art work, like the watercolor above.
Sunflowers Artist: Robert Gibson |
Rose Hips and Berries Artist: Pamela Morra |
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Riding out the storm?
Old Tractors in Hermon - click to enlarge Photo: Linda Grant |
But I'm waiting for the warmer weather, not hot, to see the nice old cars come out in the sunshine,
old Buicks, Oldsmobiles, and Studebakers - that's what I'm waiting for.
1924 Graham. This brand blended with Page then Essex, all of them become Hudson. Photo: the geezer hisself at the Bangor Waterfront Car Show |
A highly modified 1936 Ford, but it's really a nice one. Photo by the geezer hisself, yes suh! |
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Cold work, if you can get it
The place, Mount Desert Rock, 3.5 miles off the coast of Maine - click to enlarge Photo: Kevin Bennett Bangor Daily News |
They bring with them everything from propane and diesel fuel to food and fresh water, tools for the job, and household supplies. They make observations from the lighthouse tower or work on the ground. They gather information about our world, and the effect our world has on these animals.
As long as the weather holds it's not too bad, but in a storm it's not a nice place to be. I hope they have a good winter.
Bringing the supplies from the boat slip. Photo: Kevin Bennett Bangor Daily News |
Gray Seals take a break. Photo Keven Bennett Bangor Daily News |
Mother and pup. Photo Kevin Bennett Bangor Daily News |
Monday, January 14, 2013
Just like clockwork!
Wichita/Sedgwick County Historical Society Museum - click to enlarge Photo: Mike Hutmacher/Wichita Eagle |
This is where the "clock" is, and please notice the pipe going up, it's narrow and best seen over the E in Museum. - click to enlarge Photo: Mike Hutmacher/Wichita Eagle |
When the pipe reaches the top it drives these gears which in turn drive four more pipes the the hands of the clock faces. - click to enlarge Photo: Mike Hutmacher/Wichita Eagle |
You can clearly see the pipes now, and see how
the clock faces are lit.
Photo: Mike Hutmacher/Wichita Eagle
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Out of curiosity (just like the label)
A worker in a Panda suit on a Chinese ice sculpture - click to enlarge Photo: Reuters |
A friend gave my wife an iPad2, if anyone knows about using those, please share.
North Dakota and North Dakota State were both winners yesterday, both Maine teams lost, the is basketball here. No, I don't know about hockey.
A worker on the roof of a museum in Marseilles, France Photo: Reuters |
Three diggers at low tide, Lamoine, Maine Photo: Bill Trotter, Bangor Daily News |