I've always liked animals, except skunks, and Linda and I have quite a collection of photos we use on occasion for screen savers. I have picked out some that remind me of thing that have taken place over the years.
Time to plow. |
I picked this one because when I was about 9, maybe 10, a neighbor taught me how to plow with a horse. He only used one horse. It took me about two hours before I could "plow straight". It's not an easy thing to do. Today, in Maine, there are still a few folks who use horses for work, either on farms or in the woods. Some people still raise horses for shows or for horse pulls at the fair. Work horses are truly beautiful in my eyes.
Hopeful, but dumb. |
I love cats and some of them were great hunters (I didn't encourage it), a big yellow cat, Sam, we had when I was a kid brought home a baby rabbit one day and a duckling another; we kept him in for a while after to give the "wild babes" a chance to grow.
Some cats, like the photo, are really dumb, that cat really believe shes hiding, while waiting for a bird to feed in the feeder - it's not going to happen. We had an all black cat, Midnight, she would sit in the snow to hide under a bird feeder; just believed she wouldn't be seen. Dumb, but an excellent mouser.
Fox kits |
When we lived in Newburgh a fox had a litter under a neighbors shed, right next door. Oh what fun to watch them play, run and jump on each other, or climb around on things. It was great fun for most of the summer watching them. Well, fun for us, we didn't own any chickens. Foxes ate my ducks when I was a kid, I didn't build a very good pen.
And, in keeping with the season, here is a "Christmas kitty". A black and white cat hiding in red flowers, nobody could see her! Always curious cat do climb in and out of things, they love bags and boxes.