...the "blogster" or the software that allows us to load photos is having a tantrum; as a result I'll be back to lighthouses tomorrow, hopefully.
In the meantime in order to stay caught up, I am now sleeping, most days, until 3AM; this is a huge difference for me, last year it was 11:30 or midnight and I was going to bed at 5:30PM and now it's 7. Makes me a happy camper.
Other things don't seem to change too much, I still walk every day the weather permits; indoors on cold days like today (15 degrees), but still I like to be outdoors. Peggy and Hollie trips or day haven't changed, they've had birthdays; Peggy is 64 and Hollie is now 27, but they still are the same, such as it is for them.
I turned 71 a couple of months ago, so now I am getting an even better understanding of "geezerhood", and it's not all bad, we get some breaks.
Well......come back tomorrow and hopefully I'll be back on subject.