Acadia National Park is one of the most visited; in the summer. Winter is another thing altogether, most roads close but the gates are open. People, mostly local, still go to the park in winter to hike, cross country ski, or to nose around.
I walk almost everyday but I wouldn't be able to go there and wade through the snow, but what would I see if I did? Good question, lets take a look.
Loop road in winter. |
The Loop Road make a semi-circle around the whole park, or at least the whole part of the park on Mount Desert Island, that's almost the entire park. Snowmobile, cross country ski, or walk?
The road along side of Day Mountain |
The Loop Road goes fairly close to most major parts of the park, it goes right by here, Day Mountain. By the looks of things there's a lot of water that leaks and drips through the rocks. This is a common sight in Maine, but I have always been amazed by the amount of water leaking from the small spaces in ledge or other rock formations. In winter you can easily see just how much because, of course, it freezes and stays in one place.
Cross country skiing.