Which party is each of these guys in? Take your pick! |
The U S Congress were traveling in a car (I know, I know-that's far fetched, but so is congress), suddenly a tire went flat, it would need to be changed.
The Democrats wanted to call a repair shop and have someone change the tire.
"Nonsense" said the Republicans, we will save money (cut spending) and change it ourselves; so they formed a committee. The "The Flat Tire Replacement Method Committee"; it consisted of several sub-committees, one of them The Joint Orderly Kinetic Enterprise Committee (JOKE Committee), and the other The Fixing, Lifting And Tire Sub-Committee (FLAT Sub-Committee).
The sub-committees could not agree on a meeting place; one place, the regular one, was okay, but the others would have to meet in an upstairs room. Going upstairs was beneath them! We will not go upstairs; the leadership had to form another committee to facilitate the sub-committee meeting arrangements. Meanwhile Congress was out in the hot sun, getting more than half baked!
Suddenly the Speaker of the House had an idea (that in itself is strange), "I'll lift the car, all you guys have to do is get your ass in line and help". Some wanted to help him, but far from everybody, some still wanted the committees to figure things out.
Someone declared "we better hurry up, lunch is served at two, on the second of the month"! Still the committees argued over who would use which meeting room, some of them wanted to call the President for help, others wanted to ask the National Tea Party Headquarters, what could possibly go wrong they wondered. Since no one could decide, they just sat there!
So for the want of a FLAT JOKE agreement they were left stranded.
Going about Congresses most important work - reelection. Also notice he's having someone else do the "dirty work". |
That "head" tire hmmmmm! Wonder who that could be? |