The first 3 miles walk - click to enlarge
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Most days I walk the first 3 miles on Union Street in Bangor, from the upper left corner on the photo to the bottom right corner. That is 1.5 miles or 3 miles when I go back to my car. It's fairly east, the sidewalks in place are a challenge, if you don't know them well. I don't meet many people just a couple of regulars on their way to work before the buses run and the occasional stranger. On Monday of this week I came across a stranger, a black man with very long hair pushing a grocery cart with all of his treasure. I stepped back into a parking lot a step or two to let him pass, he jumped beside the little cart and spread his arms. In his right hand was a large soda bottle filled with water, his club. I assured him that I wouldn't touch any thing and he left yelling loudly, words I can't print here. Clearly a man with a mental problem.
That's a rare event, I never carry my wallet on that walk, I have my Drivers License in a small folding leather case which I do carry. And I make sure to take my cell phone, and my watch that counts my steps.
Then it's time to walk a couple of times around the Airport mall (upper left not shown) that adds about 1180 steps for each turn. There are 2000 steps in a mile.
Time for coffee.
A half-mile plus, upper right to lower left on Stillwater Ave. - click
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After coffee, I walk either on Stillwater Avenue, above, or in Brewer (next map). This is about the same distance as walking around the airport mall (not shown). This is on an 8 foot wide paved bicycle/pedestrian sidewalk in the Bangor Mall Area. It's reasonably level too, a plus for the geezer.
Thee-mile, or less, on Dirigo Drive (not all shown) - click to enlarge
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Sometimes after coffee I go to Brewer, especially if I need to buy gas - it's cheaper in Brewer. I walk on Dirigo Drive, it fairly new, has a good sidewalk is mostly level, uphill at the end (or downhill going back. It's 3 miles end to end. I walk from the start, upper right, and go to Sparks Avenue and back once or twice, it's a mile each time. Sometimes I park (past the upper right) and walk to Sparks Avenue then to Wilson Street in a kind of circle for two and a half miles of walking.
In the end I walk 5 to 6 miles a day, seven miles yesterday while I waited for Staples to open.
New topic:
There was a debate last night between two of the presidential debates. I don't watch them - they're just bullshit! Each participant speaks his practiced piece. They only will say what other people have written of them, things they think people want to hear. There is no real debate - it's all an act! Even if you were to read a poll of how many people changed their minds some will say it changed their mind others won't. Most of the polls are not put together well either. Just my opinion.