...the real reason some folks who wear glasses on the tops or backs of their heads, you wouldn't believe me. Don't say I told you, but,
they have eyes up or back there! I know, I know it sounds weird but it's true, look.
Now do you believe me? |
Do people ever tell you that they grew up barefoot? Some people really like to be barefoot, I hate it! If I have to go barefoot I moan and grumble, believe me. I rarely am barefoot, only to take a shower, that's it! But if I ever have to really go barefoot, I've found a way, take a gander.
What?? |
Do you remember before we had satellite TV or cable? Either there was an antenna up on the roof, or maybe a set of rabbit ears on top of the old black and white. Remember how we had to move them around, tip this way, no that way, or rise it up, no no only the left side! Remember? It still happens.
It's getting to be colder in most of the country. Maine is an exception for now, that won't last long. People will be headed to Florida or Arizona. I don't blame them, nor do I envy them. People will go down and lay in the sun, that's not a very exciting way for me to enjoy life. Look what might happen.
They're just waiting for next week anyway. |
Enjoy your day.