Clean up on Thursday on Central Street, work for some - click to enlarge
Photo: Brian Feulner, Bangor Daily News |
And play for others in Hayford Park - click
Photo: Brian Feulner, Bangor Daily News |
White Thursday was okay for Thanksgiving. If you had a shovel or a sled. And, if you had electricity, many didn't. It was cold too, but that never stopped me when I was a kid either.
Picking the "one" at the Briar Patch - click
Photo: Ashley L Conti, Bangor Daily News |
Friday was Plaid Friday in contrast to Black Friday in the "big boxes", and many shoppers went to the smaller, independent stores downtown. This store, Briar Patch, has been around for a long time and it's a favorite for small children who haven't "logged on" yet.