I'm sure most, if not all, of you drive, or ride in an automobile. When you do drive or ride watch out for the signs. You never know what you'll see. Drivers in rural Germany see this sign:
I said "Watch out!" |
While you drive or ride do you listen to the radio or play a CD? Don't ever forget that not everyone enjoys the music. See how much people in Scotland like it:
Shhhhhhh.., but it's only one day. |
And you must have noticed those "message boards", those electronic signs at construction sites and things of that nature. Those signs are computerized so the words can be changed and the sign board is used over and over. Sometimes people, unauthorized, play with the computers:
See what I mean? |
Some signs warn of danger to other people or to wildlife, you know "Moose Crossing", or "Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalk", that sort of thing. In Australia there are nesting sites for Mutton Birds, more commonly called Shearwaters. Large seabirds that spend most of their life at sea, but nest on land. One Shearwater that was banded as an adult in July 1953, was trapped again in July 2003, the bird was at least 53 years old! Don't run over birds!
Sign in New South Wales. |
So you see, I have to study a little bit even to post this trash, besides I like to do it.
Today is 11/11/11, it reminds me that once upon a time maybe in 1980 when Larry was still a naughty boy, he worked in a brand new Parking Garage. The tickets all had six numbers arranged like this: xxx-xxx. A car came through and the ticket was 111-111 he took the ticket at 1:11PM, and left the garage at 2:09PM (2+9=11). I rushed to the store and bought at lottery ticket (daily with three numbers, in Maine) 111, the winning number? It was 348. Just go to show.....