Lightning strikes the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge in 2011 AP photo
the "black dots" are rain on the camera - click |
The photo doesn't have anything to do with todays blog, I just wanted to use a photo because I did not do anywork on my project.
I had a busy day, Hollie from 7 to noon, Sister-in-law and her husband visited from Vermont, and still more work at Hollies house, which I personally did very little of. Add on a trip to the commissary for some groceries and we got home at 2PM. There was a baseball game on TV which I watched even if it was the Yankees, they played the Chicago White Sox (with Kevin Youkilis). The game was on the YES Network (a Yankees owned network) so I watched the game with the mute on to make it bearable. The Red Sox are on the west coast and those games come on here at 10PM.
When my in-laws left for Bucksport we were right behind them, they turned in the wrong direction, and a chase pursued.
We live in a 25 mile-per-hour zone in the village, they didn't respond to my honking and flashing lights, we went faster and faster - my wife was saying "catch 'em, catch 'em"*. I didn't have my hearing aids in so I told her we weren't going to Idaho* and we weren't chasing the guy that draws Denis the Menace*.
We caught up after about a half-mile and everybody turned around.
*Ketchum and Ketcham respectively. This is not a true story (the part about catch 'em) but it illustrates how my mind works, anyway. So there!