From: Bangor Daily News |
I started my day at 12:40AM and arrived at the 18th Annual Alcathon at about 1:30AM; there were about 5 of us there at that point. At that point the turkeys were either cooked or in the oven, 23 total were cooked. I helped cut up some turnips, peeled potatoes, and butternut squash.
I came home at 11:00 and picked up my wife and we returned to the Alcathon, she listened to the meeting and I helped my stuffing, and caught the end of the meeting.
The Meal was served at about 2PM and enjoyed by everyone. There had been an attendance problem all day. At one point one other person and myself were then only ones there, we were peeling potatoes, and working on a crossword puzzle. Numbers were low all day.
The good news is none of that food is wasted, and there was a lot. Leftovers all are delivered to the homeless shelters (three of them), so they get two meals of turkey for the most part.
Our meal was open to the public too. It was a fun day for me. Did you have other plans?