The schooners Lewis R. French and Stephen Taber |
Each of these schooners, the oldest working ship in the United States turn 140 years old this year. They are still an active part of Maine's 13 member "Tall Ship" fleet, and hundred of visitors have spend a week or two on board during a summer.
To celebrate the birthdays a race was held from Camden to Rockland, Maine recently, it's a short distance to drive, but for this race the course was set a little longer.
I just thought that we would take a break (Congress sure has) and write about something different today. So, sit back and relax (make believe you're in Congress) and enjoy looking at the two fine schooners. Why, if you were a member of Congress, you could enjoy spending a week or two on board one of these fine schooners.
Making a turn under full said. |
A schooner rounds Rockland Breakwater, the breakwater extends about a half mile out from shore. |
Anchors Aweigh, or whatever. |
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