Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh Boy!...

...The weather yesterday, it was simply great,
warm for this time of year, here in this state;
kind of makes me wonder - is global warming here,
or - is it a result of many a shed tear?

The walking was just wonderful, clear and dry,
just the kind of morning - for a walking guy;
it was an easy five plus miles were done,
all before six-thirty in the morning, I beat the sun.

Today looks to be pretty much the same,
walking in the morning, meeting will be tame,
there isn't much about it, that I would change;
I'm up so early, the waiting, can't rearrange.

But while I wait, and wonder, what will I do,
go and press those buttons, starting with the blue,
then go to purple, green, red and let me think,
oh yes! the yellow one and don't forget the pink!

Boy the morning coffee, really good to drink,
it's certainly not something, I'm going to dump in the sink,
a lot of things get wasted in this world of ours,
we need to recycle, come on! It doesn't take hours.


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