Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Enfield Station School, Maine
  The year started with Hollie attending classes in a brand new school, that was very badly needed; the name coming from a former depot on that spot.  Hollie was not enjoying too much of her school day, the reasons as yet unknown but becoming more obvious.
  Valentines Day may have been a special treat but something, or somethings, went wrong.  Linda, who by this time had a lot of gray hair, dyed her hair red because she knew I like redheads.  After she was done her hair was pink!  Reading the instructions on the box you could find the sentence "do not use on gray hair", or words to that effect.  Oh, well! No harm done I guess; but after the phone rang and we were told that Rhonda was in labor at the Lincoln hospital - well then, maybe going with pink hair could go awry.
  Rhonda was in labor for three days!  Finally Nicholas Wayne Langley was born.  Well, that took long enough!  Mom and baby were fine and more than ready to go home the next day, the family was growing.
  Lindas' hair regained it's natural color in a few weeks, but it made the events memorable and I still like redheads, just to look at!
  At work things were moving right along; the new computer system was working nicely, it was a very real time saver for "my girls" out front, things that used to be typed were now being printed, there was no big pile of "auto registration" forms to pull apart each month, just a disc from the state; things like that add up to a whole lot of time savings.  There were additional benefits the public will never see, things like easier audits because printouts is easier to follow than a bunch of forms on card stock, or people not having to file a copy of each registration - it's all automatic.  Of course, that stuff has changed again, more than once, since I retired from that job in 2001.

By the time Nick was 10 months old Hollie was showing him the ropes.
Turn your monitor sideways to see this the way I should have presented it, no don't do that! :)

Penobscot Valley High School (right), gym (middle) and Hichborn Middle School (left)
Jon and Rhonda attended school at PVHS.

This could be a true story if someones owns waterfront property.

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