Saturday, August 21, 2010

In historic...

...times the Vikings had a need,
for a sturdy horse, a dependable steed,
a new breed was begun, up in Norway's north;
and the Nordlandhest/Lyngshest horse came forth.
It is a rugged horse, used by rugged men,
it could pull the wagons, the Vikings just said when;
the horse is also the beginning of the Iceland type,
but it was almost extinct, it good no good hype.
Just take a look, that's beauty with four feet,
willing and able to solve some profound feat;
saddle up or hitch, Nordlandhests can do...
...and sort of work, willingly for you.
They're as rugged as their environment, up here in the cold....
....North Atlantic, and their accomplishments are bold;
for to serve with the Vikings it took a certain feel,
travel, pillage, explore - things they did for real.

Some times a persons heart can be cold too,
it doesn't welcome in, someone whose not like you;
more is the pity, he who does not welcome the new,
just be aware, not eveyone's like you.

Live and Let Live, each person has a place,
we are a divergent people, us the human race;
there are many differences, like the color of our skin,
religion, or preferences, let's stand together again.


Top: Lyngshest - A 'county' in Norway.
Middle: Two fine examples of the Nordlandhest.
Bottom:  On their home turf.

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