Thursday, July 7, 2011


It may be spring, but the snow's still here..
  There are a couple of things that stand out about '94; Hollie quit school while in the fourth grade and Jeff got married in the summer, and let's not forget the winter that started the year, there was plenty of all these things.
  Hollie just couldn't go any further, and we struggled along with her.  Because she's autistic (derived from the Greek word for alone), she didn't join in group activities and the other kids did what kids do, they teased and made fun of "that girl over there".  She continued to have her one-on-one teacher aide but she wasn't always on the playground.  So, in the end, Hollie just wouldn't go, and people from the school came to see her but that didn't make a difference.  We'll see where 1995 leads.
  Jeff got married in July.  The wedding was held at Two Lights State Park, up on the ledges where the waves break on the rocks some ten to twenty feet below.  His new wife, Cheri and our two new grandchildren (I don't like the word step-) Prahlad and Lita, and all of us too and my parents and the brides mother were there.  The reception at the South Portland VFW was with a large group of friends of Jeff and Cheri.  Soon you'll see the only photo we have of all of us together.
  Things at work were humming along, but at the management level above me things were started to fray at the edges.  There were some hints of discourse now and again, and it was hard to keep a finger on the pulse of my own business; because some of my directions were frayed too.  But, the two ladies and I hung on, we weren't really involved in what was going on.
  I had surgery on my shoulder during either this year or the one after, or the one before.  They just peeled some of the bone off to make it easier to raise my arm.  Maybe that was the start of being a geezer.  You have to start somewhere, but maybe that was later.

The family in 1994

The bride and groom
Decorating the "Easter Tree" in the snow.
NOTE:  We had an addition to our family yesterday Great grand daughter Elizabeth Lynn Langley.  She is the daughter of Nick, Rhonda's oldest.  So Rhonda is a Grammy.

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