Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oh yesss...

....that meeting was good,
I'd do it twice if I could.
There are times when they're really needed,
so I'm glad there was one call heeded.

I did manage to walk five miles,
it was fun, brought lots of smiles,
Maybe today I'll do it again,
since that's the way it's always been.

I have errands to run and things to do,
and I'll have a good time doing it too.
Always take time for a nice break,
you know I keep up with my coffee intake.

So if you happen on by,
why not give the purple button a try. (www.theanimalrescuesite.com)
and remember people need help too,
maybe some of them are counting on you!

Live and Let Live, now that's a sure thing,
try to live by it and it's sure to bring,
peace and contentment, happiness too,
those would be the rewards for you!

Have a great day!

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