Monday, September 19, 2011

A walk in the park

Back on the boards
  We were back on the bog walk on Friday, it's a nice place to walk, different than my morning walks when I walk around a parking lot (sometimes) or in the same places, besides it's dark at 4:30am this time of year.
  It was the weather that got us out this time, about 50 degrees and the wind was a little too much at times, but overall it was a great day to be out and around.
  This time we were paying closer attention to the "little things" out there, and I'll share a couple in a bit.  The weather turned out to be one of those "just right" kind of days and the walking was easy on a day like that.  I did almost get run over once, I noticed Linda had moved over and behind me, I thought she wanted to be on my right for a while, so I moved left - right into the path of someone who was trying to pass us; she can hear and I can't.  I noticed yesterday I was really tired after having Hollie out for the morning, I fell asleep watching golf and baseball; I was trying so hard to listen I was using up all my energy; I removed my hearing aids and put the TV on mute and viola!  I can watch a game without the sound easily and I wasn't using every shred of energy trying to hear!
  Anyway, back to the walk; I'll show you some fungi, and some tree roots - very exciting stuff right?
The fungus we have learned is "coral fungus" what we found was white and yellow, but it's out there somewhere in pinks and greens, but not in Maine as near as I can tell.
There it is Hericium abietias (whatever that means), the white kind, it's hard to the touch,
quite solid.  It probably "weathers" away during the winter.
Here is a yellow one, different kind this time, it's Ramaria ochraceosalmonicolor
I used those latin names, I look them up on Google because I didn't know what they were, you can learn a lot from a computer!  I put the names in italics because it looks "official" :)

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