Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It doesn't....

....happen every day, but yesterday it did,
I got a new computer, and part of it is hid;
some software that I had, did not co-operate,
there's always something that I almost hate.

Hate's a strong word, to use so casually,
maybe I should just back off, and act appropriately;
afterall I don't really want to use an axe,
if I did, then how could I say is was a random act?

So now I have calmed down, and got a good nights sleep,
but, don't you know, I'm back in it deep;
why don't I leave - well enough alone?
After all it's my sin, for which I should atone.

Oh! Wait! Things are better now, I found the glitch,
stupid me!  I forgot the turn on switch!
How could I have forgotten that, it's a simple thing,
well, duh, it's only me you know, a real ding-a-ling!

Most of what I wrote above, is quite simply not true,
it's just my little way, of trying to amuse you;
I did get a computer, it is really nice,
now if you'll excuse me - I'll go shovel ice.

But I did remember to do just one thing,
I gave that purple button a healthy ring;
it helps feed the critters that I care about,
push the button folks! They can't go without.

Some times things are complicated, and the going's rough;
don't you just want to scream, and say that's enough,
try to remember that with lifes silly quirks,
just Keep It Simple - that really works.


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