Friday, May 7, 2010

Back to.... routine, after the Hollie Day,
but not much walking was done today,
just two and a half miles that can't be bragged about,
damned old knees and hips must be wearing out.

I'll find out next week, maybe, when I go...
...see the "lady quack", see if she guesses so.
But I got some in, that's what counts in the end,
as this old geezer teeters in the wind.

But I had a good time at coffee, and the meeting was great,
there are many benefits of living in this state,
and the local news is starting to reflect...
...the elections coming soon!  Is it over yet?

I don't know why a candidate takes six years to run,
for a two year term, and then serve only one;
before the run starts again, for a bigger office maybe,
there has to be a better way that we just can't see.

So I'll be off in about four hours,
it will still be dark, can't see those spring flowers,
but I get my "plodding" done, slowly move along,
while in my mind - well there it goes, it's the same old song.

So I should make some time now, to do a bit of work,
find the correct place, push buttons, you won't need a clerk,
look at all the good you do, in a short amount of time,
and I wonder do I do mine.

If you strike up a conversation, with someone you do not know,
that may begin a friendship...and from that may flow...
the sharing of ideas, and the longer that you know...
the friendship will blossom, bear fruit...that's how they go.

Good coffee ;)

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