Thursday, July 8, 2010

"He only limped, a little"....

...was their exact phrase,
about Kevin Youlikis, as a form of praise,
for playing injured, in last nights game,
I think Red Sox reasoning is pretty lame.

It's a good thing I opted for a 'no adult content' blog,
because there are words, not here, through which I could slog,
like "now they've gone and done it, %^&#%*&, something like that,
I'm an old sailor, that stuff's old hat.

An injured list that's growing, standings sinking too,
there's really not a lot, that a Red Sox fan can do,
accept managements lame stories, don't put them in the bank,
we must wait until October, and see, then, how they rank.

But, in the meantime, we have things to do,
either pushing buttons, or pushing kids through schoo(l)...
so what is your pleasure, dirty faces or the tabs?
Guess I'll do the latter, I'll have better habs.  (habits)

Enjoy :)

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