Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'll sleep on that.

Oil Filters
  Just about every time I doze off now I start to dream.  When I sleep in bed they are easier to remember.  I still remember pretty much all I dreamed about Sunday night; oil filters for older cars and the distribution of them, and the difference between old aircraft instruments and new ones.
Those two subjects aren't even remotely joined in anyway; I probably woke up in between - who knows?
  Oil filters for older cars doesn't concern me when I'm awake, I don't own an older car.  Older cars in the dream where from the 1960's and older.  Anyway, I was deeply concerned that there weren't enough of those particular filters, so I "dreamed up" a plan to take care of the problem.  I was going to build little "mom and pop" corner stores, all over the country, and sell nothing but oil filters.  I know that's not a solid business proposal without giving it too much thought - but I can dream!
  Tomorrow: Aircraft instruments - another thing I don't know much about

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