Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Me and my big brother, Lysle
I'm not sure that anyone can remember when they were one year old, I sure can't.  So, instead of "remembering" anything I'll tell you about where I lived - I do remember that.  I'm really not even sure about my age in photos that I put up; Mom didn't write on the backs of photos so who knows?
the house now, taken from Google Earth
This is what the old house looks like right now, when I was one, there was no garage, no paint, and where that lawn is (front) was a huge garden with asparagus and raspberries, and rows and rows of vegetables (mom canned every year).  There was no running water, there was an indoor outhouse in the barn, and a full woodshed between the house and barn. Other than that it's the same:)  My cousin Donald's widow Jackie still lives there, they bought the house (improved) in 1955.
That's me with a neighbor, I don't remember which one

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