Thursday, May 26, 2011


Click to enlarge - check out that remote!
  The year of the "big move".  With no jobs in Maine my father took the offer from Palm Beach to relocate to Cincinnati, Ohio (actually the mill was in Newport Kentucky, across the river).  We lived in an apartment in Swifton Village, a large development of maybe 500 apartments.  This development was the first property given to Donald Trump by his father, and I'm sure it's much different now, those original buildings, new then, are probably gone.  I went to Woodward high school, there were more students in that school than in Lebanon Maine!  Culture shock? You betcha' Red Rider!  Actually I was pulled out of class (it was geography) and sent to the Speech Teacher, she had me read a paragraph and asked if I was from Maine.  End of speech defect.  I did make friends in the "village" and in school, we played a lot of baseball, several players for the Cincinnati Reds lived in the area.  That winter I was accepted on a Hockey Team, on the first day of practice I was running (with typical oblivion) to the Cincinnati Gardens with my skates.  Was I watching where I was going?  Of course not!  A car had stopped at a red light and I ran right into it!  Kah-bam!  A broken ankle that resulted kept me from the team that year.  I didn't think it was broken, but a week later it was swollen and painful, Dad took me to the doctor who had to re-break the ankle and put it in a cast.  It was a walking cast, with a rubber "heel", but it was winter, it was repaired several times.  The next summer we moved to Milford, Ohio to a brand new brick home (no photo).  So that was the big move, it turned out to be rather short, more tomorrow.
$249.50 in 1955 was a lot of money, maybe two thousand dollars now.
Sex in advertising became more noticeable - click
Those radios still had tubes. - click

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