Friday, February 26, 2010

The people...

...will remain nameless, these are the facts of the human race.
it illustrates how change works, or doesn't in this case;
when new limit's are set, they're bound to be tested,
and the words that follow, show that limits can be bested.

Hollie has a limit of five projects per visit,
and she can reason "that's not fair, is it?";
so the limit was tested in a variety of ways,
there were so many tests, my mind is in a haze.

The visit moved to Thursday, by the weather as it were,
so in Hollies' mind the visit wasn't regular;
"it's a special occasion" means more than five,
and it's hard to argue and keep the thing alive.

So she did six projects, "that's not too bad, dad";
because it a special occasion, either that or I've been had;
and then a short time later, new magazine in tow,
Hollie had a reason why six was still too low.

"If I can do just one more", I won't do too much next week,
if that reasoning has any legs, it'll get by with a squeak,
so while dad remained in the parking lot dazed,
Hollie did not one but three, oh my mind is crazed.

"I"ll just do three next week", as a solemn vow,
of course it's easy, for her to say that now;
but I think each one of us can guess,
"well dad, so how you been?", well, I got me in this mess!

Soooo, let's go push buttons, on that final note,
which tab should we choose? Do we get to vote?
Just pick a color, any one will do,
but I'll do them all, what about you?

Easy Does It, that's the motto, frequently used,
but that's not really easy, don't be confused;
it simply means thing must be done, but not in a single blast,
but you have to do it right. That's the way it's cast.

Big smile now!

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