Wednesday, July 14, 2010


...I don't know why I do things, the way I do,
every things in flux, just a hulla-baloo,
I simply want to mail, a hearing aid to the shop;
trying to find a box, and don't know when to stop.

It should be a simple project, not a drawn out thing,
maybe the bell, of common sense, will ring.
It should be fairly simple, no, it's not complex;
then, why, do I insist on causing such wrecks?

Shhh! I think the coffees ready, hot, over there,
please excuse me - see the empty chair?

Just now I had a brainstorm, Oh, I'm sly as a fox,
"remember, when you got them, they were in a box?",
Sure! There's the answer! Of course, I have the box,
no, I'm not crazy, it's just my brain that locks!

So, Linda, I'm sorry, that I made to look,
for little boxes, in every cranny and nook;
there is no excusing my taking this route.
Oh, wait a minute, what were we talking about?

Have a wonderful day.

Note: Why is that word "route" pronounced two ways?
We say take route (root) 9, or, I took the wrong route (r-out).

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