Friday, June 29, 2012

Don't always stop to smell the flowers

A Trumpet flower
  I started my morning walk yesterday about 3:30am, and the light was dim in most places but there are a few streetlights.  I walk on a city street, Union Street in Bangor, and go one and a half miles in each direction.  Some of the walk is by businesses and some of it goes through residential areas, and over I-95 which is surprisingly empty most mornings.
  In the residential area there are large old homes and some of them have mature hedges all near and trimmed with a strip of grass between the hedge and the sidewalk.  I was walking by such a hedge and grass strip and noticed a large white flower.  Oh wow!, was my thought a trumpet flower.  The flower was moving gently in the breeze.   I couldn't see it completely and just was by, within inches, and thought there would be more light on my way back.
  I walked about another three quarters of a mile and turned around at Willey Street.  Walking back in the residential area I watched for the flower, it was gone.  The flower was gone but the odor lingered, skunk.  The "flower" was it's rear end, tail raised, and ready to spray.  How fortunate for me, I didn't stop to investigate the "flower".  Whew!

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