Tuesday, October 27, 2009

There is no....

.......explanation for why things happen the way they do,
is that an unanswered question that really bothers you?
Or is it just accepted that that's the way things are;
or do you really believe coincidence can carry things that far.

There are other things at work here, the way things fall in place,
there is so many things orchestrated for us in the human race;
stuff may seem 'willy-nilly', and really by far out,
but the timing is the thing that we wonder about.

I think that while I'm out walking, that I will think on it,
try to conjure up and explanation that somehow seems to fit;
but I will not find the answer, and I don't need to anyway,
these things are among us each and every day.

Now go and find the purple button that I keep talking about,
press it with abandon and give a joyful shout;
of course, that'll get people guessing what the hell is going on,
you can tell them that you've found that rectangled icon.

Live and Let Live, that's more than a motto,
it tell us simply, to keep doing what we ought to;
it's a pure and simple practice, we can do it every day,
keep that thought in you mind and make it your way.

Enjoy the day!

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