Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Do you really......

NOTE: Tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, the blog won't be posted until mid-morning, just so you know.

...want to eat turkey?  A real turkey?  Probably not, the REAL Turkey is a wild one and they don't taste too good I'm told.  That is probably right, any bird that loves whole acorns can't be too good tasting.
Wild turkeys have been here long before we were, they were hunted to being almost extinct, but have made on heck of a comeback.
  In the 1980's it would have been a rare sight to see one of the birds, no now, 20 years later, we see them here in Maine in large numbers.  On my way home from town I take the scenic route, traffic on the straight road home is heavy and fast at 7:15AM.  As I pass through several fields where the corn was recently cut (cows have to eat in the winter), I frequently see large groups of turkeys.  Yesterday a group of maybe 60 were in for the feed.  I have seen 8 or 9 deer at a time there, but always turkeys in large groups.
Peek-a-boo, a turkey in the straw
Our local paper, the Bangor Daily News, has a photographer that contributes about once or twice a week; Dave Small of Photos by Chance, is a bird watchers and hiker.  In yesterdays, or today's, issue he shows photos taken during a fishing trip in Lincolnville.  His entries included the following:
Practice for the Thanksgiving Parade
A turkey takes to the air.  Turkeys' can fly fast but not often, they prefer to walk.

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