Sunday, June 17, 2012

Flower in the pot(holes)

Flowers in pot holes
  On a road in Orrington, Maine the residents have planted flower as a protest to the condition of the road.  There is more to the story than that.
  Here, in a few short words, is the rest of the story.  If you recall, I mentioned a beaver dam breaking on its own and flooding a road and railroad some months ago.  Yeah, I don't remember exactly when either.
  Anyway, an 80 foot long beaver dam breached, or broke, and the sudden release of thousands of gallons of water flooded a road and a nearby railroad tracks.  When the road was being repaired the town needed some pavement removed before applying new pavement.  When they did that they also removed the pavement on the road with the flowers, its scheduled to be paved in July.  Because its been down to dirt for a few months it has done what roads do in Maine - fill with potholes, it's the nature of the beast when many, many rocks are under anything.
  Eleven of the beavers have been live-trapped and relocated to the hinterlands, or someplace that they haven't told the public.  The road and railroad that were flooded have been repaired.  The subject road will be paved in July when the new fiscal year starts, and the flowers will need to be trapped and released in a new spot.
Pictures and idea from Bangor Daily News
When the dam broke, Maine route 15 under water.
What is missing? The road damaged by flooding water is inspected.

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