Friday, June 18, 2010

It wasn't...

a good night for a Celtics fan,
seeing them lose wasn't part of the plan;
done in by age and injury prone,
no congrats here, don't hold the phone.

And so it goes for sports fans in Maine,
teams lose or explode, it's always the same,
now the Red Sox are only two games away,
from taking first place, oh yeah! They're on the way.

Will we be disappointed, well just wait and see,
but way up here, we know, what will be will be.
There are so many ups and so many downs,
all in a days news those smiles, and those frowns.

So we'll just hang in there, hat in hand,
will it be thrown in the air, strike up the band?
Or will it be stomped underfoot?
Stomped on, and dirty, who knows where it's put.

All in the life of a Maine sports fan,
it's the way that we live, it's all part of the plan,
but we'll be alive in winter and fall,
basketball season will be a part of it all.

So let's not feel sorry, we've got work to do,
pushing some buttons, both me and you;
let's go to the web-site that we both know,
feed pets, mamograms, books in order just so.

And let's not forget to put things in order,
one, two, three and up it's easy, no bother,
just start at the beginning, it can't get worse,
always remember: First Things First.


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