Sunday, November 4, 2012

I'll get over it. Won't I?

Three Sisters.  New Sculpture at Bangor Waterfront
Photo by Linda Grant
  Each year for the past several years sculptors from a large number of countries, including the USA, have worked the summer creating art from Maine stone, mostly granite.
  Each year the art is given to a Maine town or city.  I showed a photo a while back of The Cleat, in Gouldsboro (Winter Harbor) from last years work.
  This year the above shown work and several small pieces were given to the City of Bangor for installation, I'll show one more at the end today.
  Dadblasted Daylight Savings Time/Standard Time switches.  Make up our collective minds to do away with this stuff I can only describe as "bullshit"!  If you have a sleep dis-order you know what I'm talking about, it's hard enough to sleep without waking up in a whole 'nother time zone! Stop!
  Well, got that out of the way for this year, or until next spring, it made sense when the government started the crap but they shouldn't have continued it.  But then again I'm not a farmer or a schoolchild.
  Have a nice day everyone.  This is post number 1251, if you're keeping track.
One of the smaller sculptures, I call them "sheep".  The discoloration is rain.
Photo by Linda Grant

1 comment:

  1. I'm on EST, and it sucks, been awake since 3AM
    CST. Damn I wish I was back in Japan and having
    one of them Geisha ladies taking care of me.
